The world's leading TIJ printer manufacturer launches revolutionary Inkjet Printing technology

TIJ printer manufacturer

At today's Global Technology Innovation Conference, Linservice, the world-renowned TIJ (thermal inkjet) printer manufacturer, announced the launch of its latest printing technology-Inkjet Printing. The advent of this technology marks a major breakthrough in the printing industry and is expected to completely change the market landscape.


TIJ printer manufacturer


Inkjet Printing technology successfully attracted the attention of many attendees with its unprecedented printing quality and speed. This technology not only achieves higher printing resolution, but also makes significant progress in improving production efficiency. It is reported that Inkjet Printing technology can increase printing speed by 40% while maintaining excellent printing quality, which greatly exceeds industry expectations.


In addition to significant improvements in performance, Inkjet Printing technology is also environmentally friendly. The new ink used in this technology contains no harmful substances and is fully recyclable, greatly reducing the impact on the environment. This is of great significance for companies committed to sustainable development.


The chief technology officer of TIJ printer manufacturer Linservice said in an interview: "Our goal is to provide customers with more efficient and environmentally friendly printing solutions through continuous technological innovation. The development of Inkjet Printing technology is how we achieve this An important step towards this goal. We believe that this technology can not only meet the efficient production needs of modern enterprises, but also contribute to protecting the environment."


At present, Inkjet Printing technology has begun to be promoted and applied globally, and many well-known companies have stated that they will use this technology to improve the printing quality and production efficiency of their products. Industry experts predict that with the popularization of Inkjet Printing technology, we will witness a revolutionary change in the printing industry in the next few years.


As technology continues to advance, this breakthrough technology from TIJ printer manufacturer Linservice will undoubtedly bring more possibilities to the printing industry. The advent of Inkjet Printing technology not only demonstrates the company's ambitions in technological innovation, but also points the way for the sustainable development of the entire industry. In the future, we have reason to expect that this technology can bring more convenience and well-being to human production and life.

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